
語言書推薦 焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 (Level 3)【二版】 (16K彩圖+1MP3)


焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 (Level 3)【二版】 (16K彩圖+1MP3)

焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 (Level 3)【二版】 (16K彩圖+1MP3) 評價



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焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 (Level 3)【二版】 (16K彩圖+1MP3) 推薦給您

焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 (Level 3)【二版】 (16K彩圖+1MP3)



商品訊息描述: 內容簡介內容簡介六項全方位的閱讀技巧訓練,有效聚焦閱讀《焦點英語閱讀》系列依程度深淺分為三冊,第三冊文章長度每篇約330至360字, 共100篇精采引人的閱讀文章,文章內容囊括各類主題與體裁,範圍涵蓋「旅遊、動物、人物、藝術與文學、商業、娛樂、科技、文化、健康」等多元內容,選題掌握時代脈動,帶領讀者走在知識尖端,如:臉書創辦人、印度五彩節、塗鴉藝術家、北京的沙漠化、體熱能源的運用等,讓讀者在學習英文的同時,也能以英語涉獵各領域的知識。全書特色在於每篇文章皆設計有6題閱讀測驗,包含了六項全方位的閱讀技巧訓練:1. 中心思想(Main Idea)2. 主題(Subject Matter)3. 細節(Supporting Details)4. 推論(Inference)5. 字彙╱片語(Vocabulary/Phrases)6. 釐清技巧(Clarifying Devices)經由這六個面向的問題來切入層層剖析文章,激發思考,並有效理解及掌握文章的要義,確實抓住文章重點。精心設定16週讀完100篇文章的學習進度,一天一篇,分量適中,讀者只要跟隨讀書計畫按部就班扎實地學習,就能在短時間內閱讀完大量的文章,不只養成閱讀的好習慣,更能讓閱讀能力更上一層樓。前言Target Reading 3 is the third volume of a series of books concentrating on training reading skills. Each article is designed with six essential questions to help the readers understand the article. These questions are within the framework of the following categories:Main IdeaThe readers will have to ask themselves, “What point is the writer trying to make?” By asking this question, they will be aware of looking for an answer during the reading process.Subject MatterThe subject matter question can help readers focus on the articles they are reading. After reading the first few lines of the article, the readers should ask themselves, “What is the subject matter of this article?” They will be concentrating instantly.Supporting DetailsThe article is made up of details that support the main idea. Supporting details come in various forms, such as examples, explanations, descriptions, definitions, comparisons, contrasts, and metaphors. InferenceInference questions ask the readers to find the inferences and assumptions made in the article. The main goal of the question is to train readers to think critically and logically. Vocabulary/PhrasesVocabulary and phrases are important in understanding an article. Imposing inaccurate meanings of some key words or phrases can lead to a gross misunderstanding of the author’s message. Clarifying DevicesThe author might use similes and metaphors to capture the readers’ attention and spark their imaginations. The most widely used clarifying devices are signal words (first, second, next, last, finally, etc.), and transitional words (in brief, in conclusion, above all, therefore, since, because). Organizational patterns are also clarifying devices. One such pattern is the chronological pattern, in which events unfold in the order of time. 目錄1. The Sweetest Poison 最甜美的毒藥2. The Era of the Superrich: The Robber Barons 超級富豪的時代:強盜大亨3. Chasing Cheese 追起司比賽4. Zara 5. Dining in the Dark 暗黑用餐6. Banksy: The Illegal Artist Banksy:違法的藝術家7. Zombie Ants 殭屍蟻8. Fyodor Dostoevsky: Struggle and Genius 杜斯妥也夫斯基:掙扎與天才9. Food Fight! La Tomatina 食物大戰!西班牙蕃茄節10. Mark Zuckerberg: from Fencing to Facebook 馬克.祖柏克:從劍術到臉書11. Virtual Dressing Room 虛擬試衣間12. The City of Music 音樂之都13. The Golden Raspberry Awards金酸莓獎14. Catatumbo Lightning 卡塔通博閃電15. The Soft Glow of the Natural World大自然柔和的光輝16. 3-D Printing 3D印刷17. The Search for Atlantis 尋找亞特蘭提斯18. Holi: The Festival of Colors荷利節╱灑江節:五彩節19. Gates of Hell 地獄之門20. The Most Venomous Creatures in the World 世界上最毒的生物21. The Collapse of a Wall Street Dynasty華爾街王朝的瓦解22. The Adventures of Tintin丁丁歷險記23. The Salar de Uyuni 烏尤尼鹽沼24. The French Paradox 法式矛盾25. Parallel Universes 平行宇宙26. Permanent Tongue Twisters永遠的繞口令27. Christopher Reeve 克里斯多福?李維28. Face Transplants 變臉29. Dark Matter暗物質30. Dead Animal Art: Damien Hirst 死亡動物的藝術:達米恩?赫斯特31. The Immortal Jellyfish不死的水母32. The Korean Wave 韓流33. Bangkok: The Next Atlantis? 曼谷會是下一個「亞特蘭提斯」嗎?34. Japan’s Rising Literary Star – Haruki Murakami日本崛起的文學之星-村上春樹35. Rare Earth Elements 稀土元素36. The Incredible Sled Dog 不可思議的雪橇犬37. The Asian Plastic Surgery Boom 亞洲整形熱潮38. Installation Art: Becoming the Sculpture裝置藝術:成為雕塑的一部分39. Copycat Economics 抄襲經濟體40. Interactive Books互動式書本41. Green Highways綠色公路42. A Method in the Madness: Salvador Dalí 瘋狂有道:薩爾瓦多?達利43. From Seljalandsfoss with Love 遙寄自Seljalandsfoss的愛44. Lolita Fashion in Japan 日本的羅莉塔時尚45. For-Benefit Enterprise大眾利益企業46. Sitcoms情境喜劇47. Sustainable Construction: The Next Green Wave永續建築:下一波綠色革命48. Belly Dancing: From Mesopotamia to Mainstream肚皮舞:從美索不達米亞到主流49. Apricot Kernels: The Cancer Buster? 杏核:未來的癌症剋星?50. Yangshuo: China’s Natural Wonder 陽朔:中國的自然奇觀51. The New Age Movement新時代運動52. The Life of a Gold Prospector淘金客的一生53. LulzSec  LulzSec駭客集團54. Hidden Risks in Everyday Foods隱藏在日常食物中的危機55. Global Dimming: Global Warming’s Evil Twin全球暗化:全球暖化的邪惡雙生子56. Second Life第二人生57. English: the Great Absorber英文:廣納百家的語言58. Oceans of Garbage海洋垃圾59. The App Store (iOS) 應用程式商店60. Traditional Chinese Medicine傳統中藥61. Socotra索克拉島62. Paranormal Activity超自然活動63. Smartphones Detect Danger in a Heartbeat智慧型手機偵測心跳危險因子64. The Siege of Beijing北京之圍65. Salmonella: The Food Poisoning沙門氏菌:食物中毒66. Golf高爾夫球67. The Modern Era:A Language Graveyard 摩登年代:語言的墳場68. Dlight Saving Time 日光節約時間(夏令時間)69. Chupacabra吸血怪獸70. Wangari Maathai: An African Hero 旺加里.瑪塔伊:一位非洲英雄71. Hollywood Box-Office Bombs 好萊塢票房毒藥72. Martha Graham現代舞大師:瑪莎?葛蘭姆73. Body Heat Energy體熱:綠色新境界74. The World’s Most Complex Languages世界上最複雜的語言75. The Skull and Bones Society骷髏會76. Amphibian Collapse 兩棲動物的毀滅77. Edogawa Rampo 江戶川亂步78. Arabian Sea Tropical Cyclones Intensified by Emissions排放物加劇阿拉伯海熱帶氣旋79. Cheerleading: Or, the Artful Imparting of Enthusiasm啦啦隊,或是說,以熟練的技巧傳達熱情80. Schizophrenia: A Challenging Diagnosis精神分裂症:充滿挑戰的診斷81. Endocrine Disruptors in our Environment環境荷爾蒙82. The Prophecies of Nostradamus 諾斯特拉達姆士的預言83. Confessions of an OCD Sufferer強迫症患者的告白84. Health Anxiety對健康的焦慮85. Doctors Without Borders無國界醫生86. Fencing擊劍87. Séances—Talking to the Dead降靈會—和死者對話88. Social Interactions社會互動89. Pencils of Promise鉛筆的承諾90. Tae Kwon Do: The Making of a Korean Martial Art跆拳道:韓國武術的形成91. A Tale of Two Chimps兩隻黑猩猩的故事92. Claustrophobia幽閉恐懼症93. Journey to the Center of the Earth到地心旅行94. The Origin of Language 語言的起源95. An Aquatic Crisis of Global Proportions全球性水生態平衡危機96. Herd Behavior從眾行為97. The Hobbit哈比人98. On Human Kindness人類的良善99. Archery射箭100. The Evolution of Forensic Science司法科學的演進作者簡介作者簡介Zachary Fillingham多倫多約克大學(York University)國際關係學士、倫敦大學亞非洲學院中國研究碩士。學習的熱情是引導他生命的原則,這項特質讓他來到臺灣,在臺灣,他不僅從事英語教學,也為以英語為第二語言的學生編輯課本教材。除了豐富的自由作家、譯者經驗以外,薩查利也是政治議題網站的執行編輯,並且是世界頂尖金融公司的顧問。Owain Mckimm畢業於劍橋大學(University of Cambridge),在2009年時來到臺灣,期間從事英語教學工作,學生涵括不同年齡及程度。他同時也是自由作家,作品散見於旅遊及文化雜誌、英語教學雜誌、書籍,以及網站雜誌。譯者林育珊教學碩士。喜歡讀英文,說英文,看英文。平日以教英文為樂,著有《初級英檢閱讀模擬練習解析》;除了分享自己教學英文的心得,現亦從事翻譯工作,希望與國內讀者共讀國外好書。黃詩韻二十郎當時,雄心壯志,遠赴西班牙遊學、外派英國當OL,順便到UEA念碩士。三十而立後,拐個德國佬回來完成人生大事,才到台大啃外文、修教程、取得教師證。人生隨興所至,現只想當譯者、當別人記憶中的高中英文老師。邱佳皇東吳大學英語學系畢業,曾任英語教學編輯,從事編譯工作十餘年。熱愛英文與閱讀,喜好大自然。目前為專職翻譯。



焦點英語閱讀:六大技巧輕鬆讀英文 (Level 3)【二版】 (16K彩圖+1MP3)

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